Ethiopia West Arsi Werka Gr1
Tastes Like: Mango Lychee Cherry
This coffee was produced by 750 independent small hold farmers around the village of Werka in the Woreda district of Ethiopoia's West Arsi Zone. It was processed using the natural method at the Aash washing station, which is managed by the family owned Testi Coffee. Most of the family farms are between two and five hectares in size, and grow coffee organically along with bananas, corn and grain under shade trees. The elevation of the region is particularly high which, combined with corresponding cooler temperatures, is ideal for the slow growing of coffee cherries leading to denser beans and a sweeter and more complex cup.
During processing, initially the coffee cherries are laid out thinly on raised beds to dry in the sun, and turned frequently to avoid over fermentation. After several days the layers of coffee are gradually increased and turned constantly to avoid inconsistencies. During the hottest periods of the day the coffee is covered to avoid full sun, and also at night to prevent damage from morning dew. After 15-18 days the coffee reaches optimum moisture content and it is further processed ready for export.
All of this effort amounts to an intense and vibrant fruit-forward cup, with a syrupy sweetness and a winey acidity. Expect mango, lychee and cherry.
Available for either espresso or filter coffee brewing.
Region: Werka, Nensebo, West Arsi, Sidama
Varietal: Wolisho
Processing Method: Natural
Altitude: 1950-2100 MASL