Colombia Finca La Esperanza
Tastes Like: Melon Green Apple Raspberry Passionfruit Cacao
Located in the Valle del Cauca mountain range, the small Finca La Esperanza sits at an altitude between 1430-1760 MASL, and is managed under strict sustainable agricultural practises. Since the farms purchase over 90 years ago, the owners have shifted from the production of commodity coffees to high quality specialty grade and organically certified coffees. Unlike other farms, they opt to primarily select their cultivated varietals for cup quality over disease resistance, and their pickers are paid a wage rather than by weight, ensuring only the ripest coffee cherries are harvested. All their decisions are first and foremost based on the quality of the outcome.
The Colombia La Esperanza exhibits flavours of melon, green apple, raspberry and passionfruit up front, with a delightfully winey and tropical acidity. A lingering buttery texture and a finish of cacao.
Available for either espresso or filter coffee brewing.
Region: Caicedonia, Valle del Cauca
Varietal: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia
Processing Method: Natural
Altitude: 1430-1760 MASL